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    Click here to Join Team Gold is one of the largest, and strongest armies in Club Penguin. I know what you're thinking, "Why in the world would Club Penguin need an army?" My question is, why wouldn't they? Armies aren't here to fight off major hackers or threats towards Club Penguin, but we still do for the fun of it. Isn't that the meaning of Club Penguin? Anyways, Team Gold was created by Saint Spice on March 9th, 2009. Our job is to defend our nation and keep our servers a safe place. We're not going to lie and say everything we do is to protect Club Penguin, but it mostly turns out that way. Now it's time for you to decide, either with us or against us. Join us on our quest to become the 1st largest army today. Let the games begin...
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    Tj Crooks45Yo I'm Tj, one of the retired leaders of Team Gold. I joined Club Penguin in September of 2007. The first server I ever went on was Walrus (our former capital). For the first year and 3 months or so I wasn't involved in Club Penguin armies. Then, one day I went on Walrus and saw a penguin called "Spice Ice116" and some other penguins saying "SEARCH CLUBPENGUIN TEAM GOLD" so I searched it and went to the chat. When I first joined Team Gold, I hated it. But as I went on the chat more and more I started to like Team Gold. I became very active and eventually became Leader. Oh and I don't know why Spice put that pic there...anyways if you haven't met me then your just inactive :P
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Teamgold Chapter 2 video

So many questions yet to be answered what did the penguin at the end see???

And what happened to the brown penguin well if you come tommorow to take a look at this post an uncut version of the brown penguin will be seen did he die what happened to him Thanks for Watching soz for the end by the way, the video was cut off! Until then check the site daily and be ready for the Next video which is coming VERY soon! And ace is currently working on the new chapter until then peace out.


I got a lot of views on my video so if we get at least 10 comments on this post ill make chapter 3 straight away but I want you to give me a storyline OF what hapened to the brown Penguin by commenting on the youtube video or below on the tg site until then peace out!

6 Responses

  1. 50 snipers um i couldn’t fit that many xD thanks for watching btw!

  2. Pretty good job

  3. i was suposed to comment ?

  4. and nice vid

  5. Epic Hu, Liked the special effects

  6. I think the brown penguin is in, of course the shadow alliance, and maybe its a Team Gold member discuised( or how ever you spell it) in it maybeee? Or just the leader *chew*

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