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    Click here to Join Team Gold is one of the largest, and strongest armies in Club Penguin. I know what you're thinking, "Why in the world would Club Penguin need an army?" My question is, why wouldn't they? Armies aren't here to fight off major hackers or threats towards Club Penguin, but we still do for the fun of it. Isn't that the meaning of Club Penguin? Anyways, Team Gold was created by Saint Spice on March 9th, 2009. Our job is to defend our nation and keep our servers a safe place. We're not going to lie and say everything we do is to protect Club Penguin, but it mostly turns out that way. Now it's time for you to decide, either with us or against us. Join us on our quest to become the 1st largest army today. Let the games begin...
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  • About Tj Crooks 45

    Tj Crooks45Yo I'm Tj, one of the retired leaders of Team Gold. I joined Club Penguin in September of 2007. The first server I ever went on was Walrus (our former capital). For the first year and 3 months or so I wasn't involved in Club Penguin armies. Then, one day I went on Walrus and saw a penguin called "Spice Ice116" and some other penguins saying "SEARCH CLUBPENGUIN TEAM GOLD" so I searched it and went to the chat. When I first joined Team Gold, I hated it. But as I went on the chat more and more I started to like Team Gold. I became very active and eventually became Leader. Oh and I don't know why Spice put that pic there...anyways if you haven't met me then your just inactive :P
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Breaking News

Breaking News

If you already didnt figure out, we have some breaking news. Word on the street is that meows are tasty, so we sent Billybob to check the propeganda out. Now here is Billybob getting an interview from the kid from the ghetto.

As you can see from this one interview, most people probaly think that meows taste “Ill” This is a Serious debate people, please leave your toughts in the comments. The sake of Team Gold can be at risk here. Please help us, and tell us if meows are tasty or not.


meow 935 up220 down
Random word uttered by bored teens. Means ‘I’m bored’ or ‘you’re such an idiot that I’m ignoring you and meowing instead’.
She meowed after I told her about my grandmother’s foot problem
ill 357 up128 down
1. means Dopecooltightrawphat, etc…..2. To be sick

1. Yo that Beat was so ill2. Those 2 boys there are ill with the flu

 Since urban dictionary says it, its real. So i guess what the kid was trying to say was that his bored teenager grandmother who has foot problems was getting beaten by her grandsons which are teens that have colds.

11 Responses

  1. I think meows are ok, eh.

  2. meows are tasty?

  3. ….. er, umm I guess they’re tasty though I’ve never had em before -.-

  4. Um ok….meows are…idk

  5. meows r bad 4 u

  6. Was this supposed to be funny?

  7. what the heck temperzz what did i do to you meow is mad now

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